The Visionary Files

How to Begin Implementing AutoMAGIC Revenue Systems into Your Business

Adriane Galea Episode 46
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00:00 | 31:45

Who hasn’t wished for a magic wand to wave over their business from time to time? Parts of being an entrepreneur can get extraordinarily tedious, especially when you’re doing a lot of the heavy lifting yourself, task-by-task.

Well…just call me your Biz Fairy Godmother, because I do happen to have a little somethin’ magical up my sleeve – automated sales systems! 

Now, I get that this topic comes off as pretty boring, but the effect on your business (and the time it frees up for you!) is nothing short of MAGIC. 

So much so, that I’ve renamed them – and on today’s episode, we’re talking about autoMAGIC revenue systems. 

Quick overview of what we cover:

  • The biggest mistake business owners make with sales systems
  • How to tell if your biz is ready to start implementing automagic revenue systems
  • What creating a process map of your clients’ behavior – from their discovery of you to ascending through your offer suite – reveals
  • The 4 points to consider about each of your sales steps 
  • The quantitative analysis that will tell you exactly which areas are primed for autoMAGIC
  • What outsources you can call on to get your autoMAGIC systems underway
  • How tracking KPIs highlights the areas still in need of a tweak


  • Click here to join the Solopreneur to Scaling CEO no cost 3-day training for service business owners making $50-250k/year USD
  • Click here to join Sustainable Growth Lab
  • Click here to work with Adriane and the Soulpreneur Agency


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