The Visionary Files
Do you ever hear about a business having wild success or achieving *the coolest* result and think, "how the eff did they do that?" Yeah… us, too! That’s why we created The Visionary Files™ podcast! We publish weekly case study-style episodes to ask successful biz owners all of our (and probably your) burning questions so we can dig deep into the strategies, tactics, mindset, and metrics behind what worked and what didn’t.
117 episodes
How I Generated 2,550 Low Ticket Sales in 90 Days Without Social Media
What does it take to sell over 2,500 low-ticket products in just one quarter? In this episode, I’m breaking down the strategies, numbers, and lessons behind my Q4 results. Whether you’re curious about low-ticket strategies or just want to know ...
Episode 110

Inside a $100k+ Course Launch Inspired by T-Swift with Shannon Matson
Is launching dead? In a market that more distrusting (and more distracted) than ever, many people seem to think that launching either no longer works or is no longer worth the effort of lower than ever show up and conversion rates. But as Shann...
Episode 109

How I Almost Lost My Stripe Account – and What You Need to Know
Buckle up, because this episode is a cautionary tale about how I almost lost my Stripe account (no, but really!). I want to open up for full transparency around how I navigated the situation to get it back up and running – but also what I...
Episode 108

7-Figure Cash Flow Strategies + Intuitive Financial Decisions with Alyssa Lang
When financial expert Alyssa Lang first set out in 2015 to do her bar patrons’ taxes, she quickly realized she preferred working with the business owners that owed money – meaning they were profitable – rather than the refund seekers.<...
Episode 107

Cease + Desists, How I Lost My Brand, Why I Disappeared for a Year, and the Start of a Comeback Story
Honey, I'm hooooome! Well hey, friend! It’s been a minute, hasn’t it? This episode is a little different because it’s just me catching you up on everything that’s happened over the last year (spoiler: it’s been a lot). From re...

The 3 Biggest Lies You’re Told About Moving From Coaching + Done-For-You Work Into Passive Revenue
When you are a coach or DFY service provider working with smaller groups of people, it can be really tempting to move towards passive revenue generation opportunities.For the love, DON’T.The ma...
Episode 106

The #1 Predictor Of a Thriving Business Partnership, with Susan and Jessica Terzakis: Visionary / Integrator Series 3 of 3
Today’s episode concludes a fascinating and FUN series of conversations with the women of Terzakis and Associates by bringing this mother/daughter duo together to speak candidly about what has made their micro-small business consul...
Episode 105

Fill In Your CEO Blindspots by Bringing on the Right COO or Business Partner with Jessica Terzakis: Visionary / Integrator Series 2 of 3
Jessica Terzakis – the ‘Integrator’ half of the dynamic mother+daughter duo that run Terzakis and Associates – jumps into the conversation today about how she was able to shed her W2 mentality as a master-educated high-school teacher and fully ...
Episode 104

Identifying, Pitching, and Training a COO or Business Partner to Grow with More Ease with Susan Terzakis: Visionary / Integrator Series 1 of 3
Susan Terzakis, CEO and founder of Terzakis and Associates, spends her days advocating for woman- and family-owned small businesses as an advisory specialist.Essentially, she is a micro-small business champion, and someone you’...
Episode 103

3 Ways to Generate $20k (or More) Every Month as a Service Provider
Making 5 figures each month as a service provider can feel extremely unattainable – but that doesn’t mean it can’t be done. In fact, there are many ways to bring in $20k (or more!) each month.The trick is being able to l...
Episode 102

4 Reasons Your Pitch Keeps Getting Overlooked
Since starting this podcast, we have received hundreds of pitches. Out of those hundreds, we have only said yes to ONE pitch – because the rest have... fallen flat.In this episode, Adriane isn't holding back with the four prima...
Episode 101

#100 - How To Train Your Brain to Have a Million Dollar Mindset, Part 2
Frequency. Resonance. Alignment. Manifestation. Visualization. Quantum Leaps?!Okay, so these terms might not be what jump out at you as the kind of things that millionaires value, but rest assured, they are very much discussed ...
Episode 100

How to Train Your Brain to Have a Million Dollar Mindset, Part 1
Mindset work and manifestation practices (like, actual scientifically-credible manifestation practices) are powerful tools when you have “become a millionaire” on your life’s vision board. Here’s where things can get a lit...
Episode 99

Building Your Business Through Speaking with Steve Corney, Part 2
“Thanks for coming to my TED talk,” says every hopeful public speaker ever…But have you ever wondered what goes into appearing on an actual TED stage?The loss of both of his parents at a young age attached a sense of urge...
Episode 98

Building Your Business Through Speaking with Steve Corney, Part 1
Speaking and communication (and possessing the presentation skills to do both effectively), make up both the original and final frontiers of brand growth. In part 1 of a two-part series, Adriane + Steve reunite to discuss how they pulle...
Episode 97

The 7 Industry Trends You Need to Know for 2024
It's no secret that 2023 was a doozy for a lot of people. If you want to set yourself up to have a more lucrative, more profitable, more impactful year in 2024, I've compiled a list of 7 things I'd argue you NEED to be aware of this year. (One ...
Episode 96

The Key to Breaking Past $10-20k Months in a Service Business
So many people have recently been sharing with me that they've been stuck at a certain revenue level for months, if not years now. Revenue plateaus are extremely common, not just in the earlier stages of business, but all throughout the...
Episode 95

The Surprising Way I’m Growing My Business in 2024 (That Everyone Said I Was Crazy to Do)
Welcome baaaack, Scaling Loungers! After a holiday hiatus, it feels so good to be back behind the mic and chatting to you again about all things business. Today we're easing back down the road with an update on what's happened sinc...
Episode 94

6 Ways to Scale Your Business as a Service Provider (without Burning Yourself Out) [RE-RUN]
The word “scaling” is thrown around a lot, and I want to talk about what this means and what this looks like if you are a service provider – so if you’re a web designer, copywriter, interior decorator, astrology chart reader, accountant, lawyer...

The Thing No One Tells You About Closing High Ticket Clients FAST
Signing high-ticket clients FAST - every service-based biz owner's dream, right?And, it is possible. There are, in fact, effective ways to speed up the buying process – even when closing high-ticket clients.&nbs...
Episode 93

Engaging in Authentic Self-Expression for Alignment in Business, Self-Acceptance, and Personal Branding with Kari Russell
Energetic Business Coach, Kari Russell, thrives off of helping women truly dig deep – and then feel safe in that vulnerable space – while getting in touch with the parts of themselves that many public-facing entrepreneurs work for year...
Episode 92

The Scariest Parts of Scaling a Business (and How to Handle Them Like a Pro)
BOO! Today’s episode is a rundown of the spOoOOokiest things that can happen when you’re trying to grow your business. We’re talking ghosts…trolls (and not the cute kind)...and maybe the scariest of all – the myriad ways one can be rejected.&nb...
Episode 91

What to Do When You Have No Time to Market or Sell in Your Business
Every business relies on sales and marketing to grow, period. Sometimes it’s as simple as saying “suck it up and find time to make it happen” and then sometimes…there’s more nuance involved.A recurring theme that comes up with my clients...
Episode 90

7 Key Areas of Excellence to Get to 7 Figures
The fact is, most businesses don’t get off the ground. Which begs the question - why does it work for some and not for others? Well, the bigger your business gets, the more complicated it becomes, and the more complicated...
Episode 89

Course + Coaching Program Engagement Mistakes You Don’t Even Know You’re Making - with Steve Corney
When it comes to the transference of knowledge to the learners in your programs and events, being a good facilitator is just as important (if not more so!) as being an expert in your field. The trick is, many experts feel like they’re ...
Episode 88