The Visionary Files
Do you ever hear about a business having wild success or achieving *the coolest* result and think, "how the eff did they do that?" Yeah… us, too! That’s why we created The Visionary Files™ podcast! We publish weekly case study-style episodes to ask successful biz owners all of our (and probably your) burning questions so we can dig deep into the strategies, tactics, mindset, and metrics behind what worked and what didn’t.
The Visionary Files
The Simple Hack I’m Using to Test Messaging Efficacy 90% Faster with $20 in Ad Spend
Are you impatient and want to know if things work like... NOW? (Definitely not me... not ever... 👀) Today we're exploring exactly how I'm testing the effectiveness of your messaging... but faster, with using low cost ads. We'll look at two ad options: boosting a post and thruplay campaigns in Ads Manager.
I'll walk you through the process of each, how to choose your goals, how to interpret the data and evaluate the efficacy both qualitatively and quantitatively. And there's a lil bonus at the end with a more advanced strategy about how you can build a warm audience through running cold ads (scratching your head?... all will be revealed!).
Quick overview of what we cover:
- How to implement a messaging testing strategy by allocating $20 for each test to quickly determine if your messaging resonates
- A beginner-friendly method of running ads that most ad gurus will tell you to RUN from... but works really well
- The key performance metrics / KPIs to track around profile visits, followers, and video engagement to measure messaging effectiveness
- Why you can re-imagine ads as your trusty lab partner helping you conduct an experiment to make your business better
- The threshold you need to hit before making any judgements about how the ad is performing
- How you can use these strategies to help mitigate risk when running larger campaigns
- Click here to join the Solopreneur to Scaling CEO no cost 3-day training for service business owners making $50-250k/year USD
- Click here to join Sustainable Growth Lab
- Click here to work with Adriane and the Soulpreneur Agency
- Book a call to work with Soulpreneur to grow your business
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This episode was first published at soulpreneur.co/066.
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I was getting like the most unbelievably perfect followers For a dollar. I will take that all day. Welcome to the Soulpreneur show a podcast for a new generation of leaders, visionaries, disruptors and trailblazers who want to do business better. Our goal is to provide you with stories and insights into the strategy, systems and soul behind scaling, service-driven, impact-first, human-centric businesses to help you create time, financial and lifestyle freedom. We want you to have a business that you not only love and pays you well, but that prioritizes what you want for your life, so that you can take actual unplugged vacations, you can step away from social media and you can spend your time doing things you love with the people you love. Let's get to it.
Speaker 1:I am super excited to talk about ads today. I love I actually really love ads. I've used them for a long time. I use them in previous businesses. I use them quite a lot. Now in this business, I run ads for people through my agency. I am a big fan of ads.
Speaker 1:What do I hear often is that ads are expensive, ads don't work, ads, blah, blah, blah. First of all, I don't believe that ads are expensive. Ads can be expensive, but if you don't have to use them, they're going to create money for you. So that's the goal. And they're especially not expensive right now. They're probably about as the least cost as they've been in a long time, and the way that I'm going to help you use them is really not expensive at all. If you have enough to spend $20 here, $20 there, $20 there, $20 here, $20 there where does $20 go? If you've got that, we can use that to test some things. So how can the hack that I am using to test messaging efficacy so much faster like? So much faster is with ad spend? Because if you want to figure out if messaging is working for you or not and to be really clear, when I say messaging, I mean you want to figure out if what you are saying is resonating with your people enough that they are doing the things that you want them to do they're booking the calls, they're buying the program, they're working with you, etc.
Speaker 1:If you want to know if your messaging is working, then it takes time. If you want to speed that process up, how do you do it? You put money behind it. So we're going to talk about how you can put money behind something behind your messaging to test it, so that you get answers to those questions faster. I'm also a huge advocate for tracking data and metrics to help eliminate risk when it comes to spending money. So if you are planning on moving from a warmer audience to a colder audience, or especially if you want to put money behind whatever it is that you're doing, if you want to start running ads, I would definitely recommend doing this Disclaimer.
Speaker 1:Don't take this as gospel and just go do it and be like why did nothing work. Try to get someone who can be a second set of eyes for you and look at this more objectively. And what I'm also going to do is there's a lot of there's going to be. I think there's going to be a lot of good information in this episode. There's no need to try to remember all of this. You can download it as a PDF at soulpreneurco. I will include that in the show notes links. If you are driving and don't even have the space to like, take that down and figure it out. If you send me a DM when you are back someplace safe where you can send this, send me a DM on Instagram at soulpreneurbiz that says testing and I will send you the link so that you don't have to remember any of this.
Speaker 1:So there are two different options that we're going to run through. The first is through boosting a post. What no one who does ads recommends boosting posts. Option one is boosting posts and number two is running through plays on videos through your ads manager. So we're going to start option one with boosting a post. The second option of like running through play campaigns is it kind of requires a little bit more knowledge. It requires more knowledge of ads. It requires a bit more setup on the back end to be able to do it. It's not really advanced, but it's more advanced for sure than the first option is.
Speaker 1:First option boosting a post. Literally anyone can do this. Anyone, anyone, anyone. It needs a little bit of discernment, but it's super easy overall. So you need very little to be able to do this. You just need some discernment skills. So here's what I would do and let's go from there.
Speaker 1:So I'm going to be speaking about this process through the lens of boosting a post on Instagram. I have never boosted a post on Facebook. I have no idea. That's not true. It's been years and years and years. I used to boost posts for my performing art school, but it's been, that's been years, so I am sure it's different. So when I walk through the steps of this, just keep in mind that this is for Instagram. So you are going to post something organically that is highly message driven and you are going to hit the little boost post button and if you've never boosted a post before, you might have some things to set up. I don't remember, it's been a really long time you might. You're going to have to attach a payment method and whatever. Get that worked out. Then it's going to walk you through three things.
Speaker 1:It's so simple to do this. First and foremost, you are going to set, you have to select a goal. The goal that you want to select for is more profile visits. So the reasoning behind this is we are going to judge the efficacy of the messaging partly through who follows you. There is no way to boost for that. I also don't think there's a way to do this. An as manager. I know you can get followers for like a you could do. There's hacks to do Facebook groups. There are way.
Speaker 1:I think there are workarounds for this if you do it through ads manager, but there's really not even like. I want more followers. That's not really something you can target for in an ads manager. Also, I'm not going to get into all that, but part of it is you're going to judge this based on the people who follow you and the people who are engaging with the post. We are going to run with the goal of profile visits when you are running for the other two goals that are options on an Instagram boosted post. You can run for website clicks and you can run for messages. If you are going to run for either of those things, I would not do that through boosting an Instagram post. I would only do that through ads manager because you have so much more control over how to target who you're sending it to, how to track all that stuff. It's just so much better to do it through ads manager with 98% of anything that you could do that you're going to put ads dollars behind.
Speaker 1:I'm always going to say do it through ads manager. This is the one exception, and I would do it to test messaging specifically by using. We are wanting people to do profile visits, so we're going to select the goal of more profile visits. We're also going to use, based on that goal, we're going to use qualitative data. This is where I say you need discernment skills. So you're going to use that qualitative data that you get to see who's following you, who's engaging with what it is that you've got going on. You're going to use that as qualitative data to discern is this, is this going the way that we want it to go, or not? So if you're like I don't even know how to start to judge that, this is where having a second set of eyes, having someone to help you, is going to be very useful. But if you're like no, I can be pretty discerning of like, knowing, knowing, sort of. If this is my gut telling me that this is going the right way, then okay.
Speaker 1:The second thing is we are going to build your audience. I can't tell you how to do this unless we were having a direct conversation about like, what would be the best thing for you. So you're going to have to select location, age, and then you're whatever you're doing for targeting. So location, like most business, if you are running business to business, most people are going to select the United States, canada, australia and the United Kingdom. Those are the big. It's called the big four. I will also. I've worked with a lot of people in New Zealand, so I would also add New Zealand. You could add Ireland if you want to, but, like, for the most part, you're going to select those four.
Speaker 1:And what I would also add is if you're boosting a post I'm going to say this with some caution, as in I don't mean anything derogatory by this but if you open up your targeting to worldwide especially when you are business to business, when you are targeting other business owners because most business owners are targeting the big four, they're targeting US, canada, australia, united Kingdom If you open it up to be worldwide Facebook, instagram, whatever Instagram is going to naturally start showing it to people in more developing countries. They're going to show it to more. I'm not even going to get into all that because I really like I don't mean anything that like there's nothing wrong from being from from any of those places Just like, if those are going to be ideal clients for you, then do it. But like, if they're not going to be ideal clients for you, because, for whatever reason, I don't want to dig myself into a hole here, I just want to I want you to be aware of the fact that, like, if you open up your targeting to go worldwide, you are naturally going to get shown to people in places that other people are not paying as much for, because you're going to get those. It's going to, it's going to optimize your ad in such a way that you're going to be like, wow, this is working really well, like so many people are seeing it, so many people are engaging with it because there is it's a, it costs less to get in front of those people.
Speaker 1:Do without what you will. It makes me very uncomfortable to have that conversation just totally publicly, without context, without whatever, whatever. Whatever. Do without what you will. So do you have to pick a location? Then you have to choose ages, like whatever makes the most sense for you. If you want to go really open-ended and let the the open-ended ages would be like from 18 to 65 plus. If that makes sense for you, then go for it. If you know that, like you typically only work with people who are between the ages of 30 and 40, you can narrow it down to that whatever feels best for you. You can do that Like what I would. Well, I'll hold this for a second. You can open. If you need to open it up further, then I can tell you how to open it up further. Then you have to choose targeting.
Speaker 1:So this is where targeting is just it's not efficient when you boost, when you boost a post, and that just is what it is. This is why almost everyone who does ads says, like, don't boost posts because the targeting sucks. Here. The targeting sucks so you're just going to have to use, you know, your best judgment on like, what could you get? What could you get to? So, like I frequently will use, I will frequently target James Wedmore. His people are oftentimes my people. It's a smaller audience but like that works well, I can target him.
Speaker 1:If you are targeting course creators, you can pick Amy Porterfield. If you're targeting business owners more in general, you could pick like Gary V. Or you could do like I think you could pick like social media marketing or, if you wanted to, you can target freelancers. But I think it's it's a more of a behavior rather than like a job description, like it's tricky. It's tricky to target on Instagram, but you can try to use some like best guesses.
Speaker 1:And this is where, like, you might not hit the nail On the head. It might not actually mean that your messaging is not working. It might mean that you don't know how to target yet which is a separate issue of why it helps to have someone look at this but, like, if you feel generally comfortable, like, oh, that would make sense. Like, if you, you know, if you are a yoga, if you do, if you, if you help me, if you're a yoga coach I don't know if that's the right way of saying that If you are helping people, like if you run yoga classes and blah, blah, blah, then you could. You could target for the interest of yoga. That makes sense. You could also get more creative and target for the interest in interest of like of oh my gosh, why am I free? Like Lulu lemon, you could. You could target for, or Fabletics, or something like that.
Speaker 1:If you are, if you are trying to target people who are you're a social media manager, then you could target people who have interest in social media marketing. Or maybe you could target people who like Russell Brunson or something like that oh, russell Brunson. So if you're like, why did you just say it like that? It's because I've we've had a lot of episodes where we are not so kind to Russell Brunson and the click funnel style of things. I Digress, so you're just gonna pick whatever it's gonna be, the whatever you think is gonna get you closest to the target.
Speaker 1:You can pick more than one thing. If you pick more than one thing, there's really no way of understanding if that audience is working for you or not, because it's the needs process of elimination. I'm getting a little in the weeds here, which I tend. I love data, I love this stuff, so I can get into the weeds on this, but like, just do the best that you can. What I will say when you build your audience is that if you are and if you are not, a Local business owner, if you are local, then you can go really targeted.
Speaker 1:If it comes back and says, well, there are only 6,000 people in this audience, if you know it's because you we're targeting this one zip code with. You know, only women, oh, that's the other thing you can also in when you pick the ages, it's really picking demographics, it's you choose male, female, you choose man or woman, male or female I don't remember how they asked that question and and the age. So like they might say you know You're targeting one zip code, only women between the ages of 35 and 45 and one particular zip code who Enjoy this one particular interest. Like, yeah, you might come back with an audience that has like six or seven thousand people. Okay, that's, that's that. That is what it is like. If you're a local business, then I understand that, but if you are, if you have the ability to go broad, then I would shoot to have at least 500,000 people in that audience. So if you need to open it up and if you're like, oh, there are like five million people in the audience, that's okay, that's okay, doesn't it we? Bigger is bigger is better in this sense, maybe not always, but like, by and large, the bigger the audience, the better, so that there's more for them to work, work around. Anyway, that's building the audience.
Speaker 1:Then you're going to pick your budget and you can pick whatever you're comfortable with. Really you can. I would, I would shoot to want to spend about 20 bucks. That's the goal here we're. Regardless of whether you do option one or option two, based on the options I'm giving you in this episode, I would budget to be able to spend, per test, about 20 bucks. So, whether you do that over, you know, $2 a day for 10 days, or if you do it for $10 a day over two days, whatever. Or five dollars a day for four days or whatever. Like that's what we're going for. Whatever you can afford to do doesn't matter, um, and if performance is abysmal like if it gets to the $10 mark and it just is not hitting the KPIs that I'm hoping for, I will shut it off, like I won't spend the entire budget. There are also times where, like it is doing so well that I've let it spend hundreds and hundreds.
Speaker 1:Have I ever spent more than a thousand on a boost to post? I don't, I don't know. Actually I might have. I had one post that, like, when I boosted, I was like, oh my god, like this is perfect. And then at some point it fizzled out because it does, and. But I spent a lot of money. I spent a lot of money on boosting that post because it was giving me such phenomenally perfect Followers that it was like, will I spend some money to build it? And I was hitting my KPIs, which, to get ahead of myself, is like a dollar per follower. Essentially, I was getting, like, the most unbelievably perfect followers for a dollar. I will take that all day. Like I don't own those leads. Zuckerberg owns quote, unquote those leads. But like, will I take leads for a dollar. Yes, yes, I will. I was happy with that, so I continue to run it.
Speaker 1:You do whatever's going to make the most sense for you, so, but I would typically like say you're going to want to plan on spending about 20 bucks. Then you look at the data and you say, okay, is this performing the way that I want it to? So what I want to shoot for here are your KPIs. Is you want to shoot for one profile visit per 25 to 50 cents spent? That lets me know that your message is resonating. It is resonating enough that it is like oh, that's interesting. Who is this person? Let me learn a little bit more about them. And they go in and they click into your profile. If you are getting profile visits for 25 to 50 cents a piece, that means that that messaging is clicking with people.
Speaker 1:Then If you are getting her dollar spent one follower, even if they aren't the most ideal, like you can look at your fault. This is where you need discernment, like look at the people who are following you and go do these look like the right people or not? You can figure that out from there, even if they're not attracting 100% of the right people, if they like more or less look like the other. This looks like yeah, this looks promising, this could be my ideal client. Okay, then, if you're getting one dollar spent per follower, then that lets me know. It's not only resonating, it's resonating, probably to the right people and that is a $20 test that I will spend all day long to get that information because it's going to give you some. It's going to it's not going to eliminate your risk you are probably never going to completely eliminate risk but it is going to get you much closer to being able to actually start to mitigate some of that risk.
Speaker 1:The second option is running through play ads via ads manager, via I don't, I never say via via ads manager, whatever. There's a lot more that goes into this. If you have never run ads and you might be like whoa, what are we doing here? You also need to be a little bit more clear on, like, how to write social copy, how to write video copy, how do, how do properly put a video together. Like, you need a really catchy hook because there's a really good. If you don't have a good enough hook, it doesn't really matter if the rest of everything is super dialed in and the messaging is spot on, like, without that hook, it's going to throw your data off because people aren't just going to watch, people just are not going to watch it. So if you are like I don't know how to do all that, I have no idea what the hook would be. I have no idea how to I don't know how to like properly put a video together. I'm not comfortable on camera and and and and and like. This might not be the, this might not be the move. But if you're like, yeah, I more or less understand how to do that, or like I'm willing to try, I'm let's go for it, let's get it done, like, let's do it. Or if you work with me and you need my help, then we can do this together. But you know, this is a little bit more, a little bit more advanced. If you have never run an ad before, if you are not familiar with how to like properly put a video together, it's like this might not be the best option for you.
Speaker 1:You also need to add manager, which is a little bit more. It's not a little bit more, it's a lot more complicated than running an ad. That's boosting a post. Boosting a post takes all of five seconds. Once you understand, like what you're looking for, once you have your audience built, like click, click, click done when you're running something, an ads manager like it's going to take you. It's going to take you a little bit long. It doesn't take forever, but it does definitely take longer. There's more to it. You need to understand there's lots of options. You've got to pick a lot of different things. There's just more to it. It's way better overall. There's a reason that people say, like run through ads manager, not boost posts, but it a little, it's a little bit more advanced. So we're going to.
Speaker 1:This is not about how to how to get your ads manager set up. This is about how to test your messaging. So if this is too much for you, then just stick with option one. But if you're like I've run ads before or I can figure this out, or I want to do this and I feel comfortable on video and and and and, then this is going to probably be a better way of testing and I will tell you really at the end why it's a better way of testing.
Speaker 1:But let's get through some of these steps first. So number one if you don't already have your ads manager set up. Got to set up your ads manager. I'm not going to tell you how to do it, because it changes from day to day. It's different all the time. Youtube it. Youtube how to set up Facebook ads manager and look for a date that's on that video that is very recent, because that's it's probably will be the most likely to actually be the. Take you through the steps that you need to do, because alone that Facebook really does change things quite often. So that's how to set up your ads manager. Got to set up your audiences. You can YouTube that too. Like even I'm in the process of building an ads course. Like I'm not teaching anybody how to set up their ads manager or build their audiences, because I would. It would. I would have to change it, like for month to month. I would have to go and check well, is this, is this instruction still correct? Is it? How is it? Like? No, you're going to, you're going to YouTube it. That's the far better. That's the far better plan.
Speaker 1:Then you are going to need to do a face to cam video. So a spoken video. This is not like a. This is not like a real. This is not like a TikTok where you're dancing around or pointing or doing. I don't even know if people still do all that all that much anymore. You are going to speak directly to the camera. It could be a voiceover video where you just record your voice and there are pictures and you put on the captions. I don't think it's going to be as effective. I want you to actually speak to the camera, but you can do what you want there.
Speaker 1:I'm also going to recommend that it's a decent length. When I say decent length, I'm going to say that you probably want it to be like four or five minutes long. I think that that's a really good target to do a four or five minute video, because a lot of the KPI that we're going to be looking for is around. I want you to look for someone watching 45 to 60 seconds of the video. That would be great if 45 to 60 seconds of the video happened at your 25 percent mark, because you can look at the data for 25 percent video views, 50 percent video views, 75 percent, 95 percent and 100 percent, I think, are the way that they break that out. If you record a four minute video, then if someone watches 25 percent of that video, that's going to get you to that 60 second mark. That's good. That's a good place for us to judge If you are recording a 45 second video.
Speaker 1:First of all, I don't know if you can test messaging that quickly besides, just something that's really hooky and all that was interesting. But at that point you're going to have to measure this based on who's watching. 100 percent it's not as effective. I would do a little bit more substance to your video so that you can actually tell it's not just hooky, it's something is actually like they get hooked in but then they stay for it when they stick around for it. That's how you know that this is really capturing people and it's resonating with them. So four or five minutes is what I would target for. Three minutes okay. Six minutes, fine. It's getting a little bit long. Anything over six minutes because 25 percent video view is the lowest that you can look at how well it performed For someone to watch. So 25 percent of a six minute video is a little bit long, so it just throws things off. I think maybe three minutes is fine. Four to five minutes that's a good target.
Speaker 1:There is a decent amount of strategy behind this that I cannot teach on how to put a video together to test messaging. I cannot do it. It's too much. It's a whole separate thing. We're just going to have to leave that with as it is. Maybe one day I'll do a follow-up episode on this, but there's just so much to it. There's a lot more to it, so we're just going to leave that there. If you have done intentional work on messaging, if you understand video engagement, this is worth testing. That's where I'm going to leave it at. If you've never done messaging work etc, all that stuff, I'm just going to reiterate if you are not comfortable on camera, this is maybe not worth testing.
Speaker 1:You're going to set that up. You're going to record your video. You're going to make sure it's captioned because you want to make sure that you are giving people they don't have to have their sound on to be engaged with your video. Make sure that it's captioned. And then you are going to set it up in your ads manager with the campaign objective, rather, of video views. I'm 99 percent that's still what it's called. You want it to run for video views. They just changed this within the last week or so, where it used to be like you're running for engagement and then it was video engagement? I don't remember. You've got to target for the thing that's video views. They changed it around Just in the last week. I said Facebook changes things all the time. They changed this around. It's look for the thing that's going to give you video views. That's what you're targeting for. Then you're going to let it run. You want it to get to a thousand impressions per video or per ad, not per ad set. If you have an ad set, it means that you're maybe testing three different videos at once and you've got three different videos underneath that ad set. If you're doing that, we are not looking for a thousand impressions per ad set. We want a thousand impressions per each thing, each individual, unique video A thousand impressions.
Speaker 1:Then we're going to start looking at some data and look for the KPIs. This I'm going to give credit where credit is due. I learned these KPIs I learned from. Her name is Laurel Portier. She has a $7 ad membership called oh gosh ads with Laurel $7 ads. If you Google Laurel Portier P-O-R-T-I-E with an accent over the E $7 ad program, you'll find it. Find her on Facebook, find her on Instagram. You'll find it. But I got these KPIs from her. I think it's a really good measuring set. Also, the idea of running video view. I partially got this from her, but not from not the concept of testing messaging. But I did get the KPIs from her, the $7,. There's a lot of information in that program, phenomenal information, but it's like information overload. It's a lot. It's a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot to sort through. Anyhow, I digress, but that's where I got the KPIs from. I feel like I need to give that credit to Laurel for that.
Speaker 1:So, a thousand impressions and if you are, whatever your 45 to 62nd point is, so if you're running that minute long video, you're going to look for 25 to 50 cents per 25% video view. If you are getting 25 to 50 cents. I actually don't know if Laurel had this criterion, if she said this is a KPI or not. I don't remember. This might be me, I don't remember. Now that I'm saying that I don't remember. But that's what I would look for If you are getting 25, for every person who watches it. If, after a thousand people go through it, no-transcript, 25 to 50 cents and this is in US dollars per 25% video view. It's resonating. That's a good sign that it is resonating.
Speaker 1:And then, once you have enough information if you are getting 95% video views on at least a three minute video. Otherwise 95% of the video is just not going to be long enough if you're getting those for like a dollar or two dollars. More and more people are running these types of ads. So like to get them for a dollar now is rarer, it can still happen. But if you're getting them for around two dollars that's still pretty good. So a dollar to two dollars per 95% view on a longer video, that's like three, four, five, six minutes. That's a good sign that is resonating. That is a good sign that that messaging is on point, at least for you know it's mitigating the risk. It mitigates risk. It's never eliminating risk, but it tells you that messaging is probably resonating. So again, this is more advanced.
Speaker 1:Oh, the other thing to be able to look for 25% video views, 50% video views, 95% videos, whatever it is that you're looking for, the default setting in ads manager is going to be set to performance. You need to switch the performance tracking to video engagement. This is not something that you do when you set up the ad itself. This is when you are looking. It's in your inside of your ads manager. You're going to set the function of what you are looking at from performance. It's if you're looking on the desktop version, it's like it's toward the upper right hand side. It's like right above where all of your ads get listed out. It's on the right hand side and it will set like it's defaulted to performance. You want to switch that to video engagement and then the video engagement will show you how many impressions, how many this, how many that, what's your? What's your 25% video view? What's your 50% video view, how many people have gotten that far, et cetera, et cetera. That's what you want to be looking at. So this is a much more. This is. This is a more advanced way of doing this. It is. There are so many benefits to doing it this way, like if you get messaging that really starts to resonate with people. You can use this to create retargeting audiences.
Speaker 1:I do this for for myself. I do this for actually I don't think I have any of these running. I do this for agency clients who are trying to like they want to build a warm audience, but they don't have a big warm audience, so we can actually build a warm audience from a cold audience. It's real. To this I did get from Laurel. This came from Laurel, this concept, this I can say for sure. I can't remember which of the KPIs I got from her and which I didn't, but this I definitely. She's the one that gave me this idea of you can build a warm audience through a cold audience. It doesn't require pixel data. If you're like, oh, pixels in iOS 14 updates and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, this completely bypasses the need for pixel data to be able to build a warm audience. It is so helpful all the way around, like it's.
Speaker 1:There's a lot of benefits to doing it this way, but it is more advanced and we don't have time to get into all that, all that, all that right now. I hope this was helpful. If you have general questions, like, feel free to DM them to me. I'm not like I can't get too far into the weeds on this with you. If we work together, then please ask me all the questions. But if you like, have a follow up of, like, what could be more specific for your, for your situation, like, you are welcome to send me a message. That is, that's perfectly fine. I'm happy to answer a question or two to point you in the right direction. Yeah, and I will oh reminder that you can get this all on a PDF. Soulpreneurco slash testing, or DM me the word testing and I will send you the link and I will catch you in the next one.